What is Phobia?
Phobia is a fear of anything, from a situation to a thing. The word ‘phobia’ is from the Greek word ‘Phobos’ that means fear. An individual can fear anything. It will be called phobia when the fear starts shaping the life of that person.
For example, people with acrophobia will avoid high areas at all costs as they fear heights. If they come across a mountain or anything on high ground, they will start to panic.
General Symptoms of Phobias

- High heart rate
- Problem in breathing
- A feeling of impending doom
- Nausea
- Blood pressure problems
- Pain in chest
- Feeling of choking
- Sweating
- Stomach problem
- Trembling
Types of Phobias
Generally, Phobias fall into five categories.Related to Animals -
- Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
- Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes
- Alektorophobia – Fear of chickens
Related to any Environment -
- Acrophobia – Fear of heights
- Agoraphobia – Fear of public spaces
- Claustrophobia – Fear of confined spaces
Related to a Situation -
- Aerophobia – Fear of flying
- Mageirocophobia – Fear of cooking
- Tokophobia – Fear of childbirth

Related to Medical problems -
- Hemophobia – Fear of blood
- Hypochondria – Fear of illness
- Trypanophobia – Fear of needles/ injection
Others -
- Xenophobia – Fear of strangers
- Philophobia – Fear of love
- Gynophobia – Fear of women
- Atychiphobia – Fear of failure
Alternate Therapy for Phobias

Through hypnosis, unwanted thoughts, behavior is changed. It helps to increase self-awareness and gives healing effects to phobias. Mindfulness Meditation is a practice that helps with the treatment of phobias without any drug. It not only helps in thinking better but also reduces your fear. Daily meditation results in better results.
According to some studies, the essential oil of lavender helps you relax and calm your anxiety and fear due to phobias. You can use them on your clothes or handkerchiefs and during mindfulness meditation regularly for better results. It is also a drugless phobia treatment.