Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Part 1

A person who has encountered or witnessed a traumatic incident, such as a natural disaster, a major accident, a terrorist attack, war or conflict, or rape, or who has been threatened with death, sexual assault, or significant injury, may develop post-traumatic stress...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Aarushi is a 26 year old girl who is getting married very soon. She is a employer in travel agency with good salary. She takes great satisfaction in her work. And the guy she is going to marry is working with her in the same company. They had a good relationship since...
Ways to cope up with DEPRESSION

Ways to cope up with DEPRESSION

WHAT IS DEPRESSION??    Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness  and loss of interest.Four main types of depression are :1. MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER2 . BIPOLAR DISORDER3.PERSISTENT DEPRESSIVE DISORDER(Dysthymia)4....
Drugless treatment for depression

Drugless treatment for depression

Depression is medical condition and not just sadness. Its more than being sad or lazy. Due to lack of awareness its difficult for many people to differentiate sadness and depression. Some people end up without any treatment or suffer alone. Common depression symptoms:...
Why relaxation therapy is important for women?

Why relaxation therapy is important for women?

Women is strong pillar of family and society. Women is symbol of patience. It is seen that women suppress their feelings in order to maintain peace in family. Women always care about others needs and forget about her own needs. For women there is no break from her...